When your world shakes

I painted with the Lord again for the first time in quite some time a few weeks ago. This painting was the result. Some things I create are not for sharing. They remain in my journal and will most likely not be seen by anyone. This one, I was sure would be one of them. […]

All in my feels | Part II – Embrace

In my previous blog, I shared a bit about what it is to have the gift of feeling. A life lived all in your feels can feel very burdensome. I promise though, beautiful things can come from this life. Today, I would like to share a few things I have learned on how to navigate […]

All in my feels | Part I – Identify

I tend to be the kind of person who gets ‘all in my feels’ pretty quickly. All it takes is for a favourite character on a TV show to leave or something sappy and dramatic happening in a movie for me to be set off. My emotions, and the intensity to which I feel and […]

3 lessons I learned in the wilderness

I recently had a birthday. I am now officially 33 years of age. Birthdays tend to bring along with them a time of reflection. A time of looking inward, outward and upward to try and assess where you’ve been and where you’re going. I spent this past year in a wilderness season. It was challenging […]

When you don’t feel what you know

“I’m lost” – Stitch, from the movie, Lilo & Stitch. Oh little Stitch… sitting alone in the woods crying, I feel you. It was at this moment in the movie (Lilo&Stitch) that all of our hearts broke when we watched it. When Stitch goes to sit in the middle of the woods with the ugly […]

6 July 2024 | 27 July 2024

Come and celebrate your creative identity with a beautiful morning in God’s presence.