When your world shakes

I painted with the Lord again for the first time in quite some time a few weeks ago. This painting was the result. Some things I create are not for sharing. They remain in my journal and will most likely not be seen by anyone. This one, I was sure would be one of them. […]

All in my feels | Part II – Embrace

In my previous blog, I shared a bit about what it is to have the gift of feeling. A life lived all in your feels can feel very burdensome. I promise though, beautiful things can come from this life. Today, I would like to share a few things I have learned on how to navigate […]

All in my feels | Part I – Identify

I tend to be the kind of person who gets ‘all in my feels’ pretty quickly. All it takes is for a favourite character on a TV show to leave or something sappy and dramatic happening in a movie for me to be set off. My emotions, and the intensity to which I feel and […]

The Dream Is Alive

Dreaming is an interesting concept don’t you think? You just kind of, sit around and think up stuff. You let your imagination run wild… where will you be one day? What will life look like? Will that travel Pinterest board with beautiful and exotic places on ever materialize? You imagine yourself sitting in coffee shops […]

3 lessons I learned in the wilderness

I recently had a birthday. I am now officially 33 years of age. Birthdays tend to bring along with them a time of reflection. A time of looking inward, outward and upward to try and assess where you’ve been and where you’re going. I spent this past year in a wilderness season. It was challenging […]

Embracing Weakness

I have been pretty quiet the last little while. No art, no blogs and social media has been a bit of a graveyard. I have been walking past my art desk day after day, feeling despondent. It has started to feel like what God laid on my heart many years ago, is starting to be […]

Celebrating Your Singleness

Within the body of Christ, we generally tend to talk about singleness only in the context of dating. We talk about what to look for when you date and how to navigate the transition, but we never actually talk about, or even dare to celebrate the season itself.  Dating is the bridge to marriage. Before […]

Excellence vs Perfection

I have been paging through a little journal of mine recently. I got this little book around the year 2018, and I carried it with me everywhere. It’s the first time I kind of started to embrace my voice in the creative sphere of life. Paging through, 4 years later, I realise that a lot […]

Beauty for ashes : Reflecting on 2021

Here we are, the inevitable ‘out with the old, in with the new’ blog. Have I been avoiding writing this? To be honest, YES! I knew I should about a week ago already and I’ve just casually been distracting myself. I’m not sure what to say about 2021. What do you even say about a […]

When you don’t feel what you know

“I’m lost” – Stitch, from the movie, Lilo & Stitch. Oh little Stitch… sitting alone in the woods crying, I feel you. It was at this moment in the movie (Lilo&Stitch) that all of our hearts broke when we watched it. When Stitch goes to sit in the middle of the woods with the ugly […]

6 July 2024 | 27 July 2024

Come and celebrate your creative identity with a beautiful morning in God’s presence.